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Project Workflows

Detailed reservoir characterization requires expertise in geology, petrophysics, geophysics, and reservoir engineering. The types of services provided by iReservoir as part of a fully integrated approach include:

  1. Sedimentologic-stratigraphic interpretation for both carbonates and clastics;
  2. Petrophysics, including 3D normalization, permeability-prediction, and facies prediction;
  3. Seismic inversion (both for exploration and development applications), and other attribute analyses;
  4. Static reservoir geomodel construction using geostatistical methods which span the gamut from cell-based to object-oriented, incorporating facies indicator simulation if possible;
  5. Innovative upscaling techniques; and
  6. Reservoir engineering and simulation ranging from small, conceptual models to full-field multiphase problems in naturally fractured reservoirs. Streamline simulation has also been applied for specific multi-realization uncertainty comparisons.

Click on the following images to find out more about our project workflows.

Petrophysics Geology
Geophysics Geomodeling

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